Embolden Media Group Celebrates 6 Years in Business
March is our founding anniversary month, and this year we celebrate the authors, speakers, preachers, teachers, pastors, counselors, creatives, writers, thinkers, dreamers, encouragers, culture shifters, activists, advocates, and storytellers who make up our incredible family of authors.
We also celebrate the publishers and associated organizations who entertain our ideas, brainstorms, and collaborations on various needs and issues facing publishing today. We thank those of you who have intentionally sought us out, maintain authentic relationships with us, and are committed to successfully publishing our diverse client list. We hope to continue to prove ourselves a worthy resource in our collective work of cultivating, amplifying, and advocating for the works of inspirational women writers, authors of color, and diverse creators of faith whose ideas move the world through written, audio, and visual content.
We salute you all and thank you for making these six years absolutely outstanding!
Here's to you! Here's to us!